
About Us

Conference Goals

The Election Sciences, Reform, and Administration (ESRA) conference brings together election experts from academia, state and local government, non-profits, and research institutes to develop empirical approaches to the study of how law and administrative procedures affect the quality of elections in the United States.

A bunch of red, white, and blue "I Voted" stickers are scattered across a white table.
Who's There

Meeting of the Minds

The conference is an opportunity for participants to engage with cutting-edge research about election administration and to discuss the challenges facing state and local election officials. The conference’s collaborative atmosphere also fosters connections between colleagues in different disciplines and across a range of topics and expertise. 

Past presenters and participants have included: 

  • Senior academics
  • Junior scholars and students
  • Election administrators
  • Poll workers
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Computer scientists
  • Developers and technology organizations
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2025 Conference

Planning for the next ESRA conference is currently underway. To be the first to hear news about the conference as it is announced, sign up for our newsletter! 

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A man takes notes on paper next to another man with long hair who is drinking coffee.